Love our planet!
Participants of Expediente Rojo Project event "Crece y Florece."
Sofia Hampton, Jade Obando, Veronica Colton and Marilyn Mares.

My name is Sofia
This is my art and it represents taking care of our one and only planet earth. In my piece I am showing how the earth can be so vibrant with green and blue shades and splashes of color if we take care of it, but the buildings with smoke surrounding the globe show how we care leading the earth to an end. Adding on, the hands holding up the earth are showing how if we all support the planet and take good care of it we will have a bright and clear future without pollution, climate change, and we will have healthy environments to live in. I hope my art can stress that we heed to start taking action now. We can do that in so many ways such as such as cutting down on our plastic consumption, buying more consciously from brands that are earth friendly, using less chemicals in our daily products, etc.
Artist, Sofia Hampton
Hello, my name is Jade
Hello, my name is Jade. My artwork is about pollution in our oceans. On the left of my artwork you can see a healthy and thriving ocean. As time goes on, on the right, you can see the effects of pollution and how cost of our oceans look now. Pollution is a big problem in all ecosystems around the world. Eight million tons of plastic end up in our oceans every year by traveling through rivers. On average it takes 450 years for plastic to decompose which leaves it floating around the ocean ready to be eaten by animals living there. Animals sometimes eat microplastic, really small pieces of plastic, by accident. This can injure or kill them. It is important to keep our marine life safe and uncontaminated because it is estimated that 50-80% of all life on earth depends on the oceans. I know that I just said a lot of information that you probably won't remember but here are five ways you can reduce your waste.
1. Refuse single use plastic whenever possible 2. Bring your own reusable shopping bag to the store 3. Carry a reusable water bottle 4. Avoid plastic straws and refrain using plastic utensils ..And ... 5. Take part in a beach clean up...Thank you!

Artist, Jade Obando
Be a responsive human
Being a responsible human and not wasting means being mindful of your actions and their impact on the environment and others. It involves making conscious choices to conserve resources, reduce waste, and minimize your ecological footprint.
Here are some key aspects of being a responsible human and not wasting:
Conserving resources: This includes using water, energy, and materials efficiently. For example, you can conserve water by taking shorter showers, fixing leaks, and watering your lawn during cooler hours. You can conserve energy by turning off lights when you leave a room, using energy-efficient appliances, and reducing your heating and cooling needs.

Artist, Veronica Colton
Join us in saving the planet for tomorrow.
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